Category: Well being

The Cherry Blossom and the Wisdom of Impermanence

The cherry blossom or Sakura is one of the most beautiful trees you will come across. Its ethereal petals hued in shades of pink and white adorn the branches of the trees with elegance. In Japan, Sakura holds deep cultural meaning, symbolizing good luck, love, and the start of spring. People eagerly anticipate the blooming of Sakura, to behold its heavenly beauty, as it lasts only for a brief period. This ephemeral quality is often paralleled to the transient nature of human existence. Within its fleeting beauty lies a profound lesson on life’s impermanence. It imparts a poignant reminder of...

Navigating the cold and prick.

Human relationships: navigating the cold and prick

We, as social beings are not meant to be alone. We are wired to connect and cooperate with others, to share our joys and sorrows, to give and receive support. Our ancestors knew this well, as they formed clans and communities to face the dangers of nature together. That is why we fear being cast out or shunned by those we care about. Many ancient and modern teachings have emphasized the importance of social ties, friendships, and meaningful connections for our happiness and flourishing. Relationships offer us many positive attributes: they give as a sense of belonging, work as pillars...

Crossing paths

We are all passersby in someone’s life as others are in ours and we are meant to part ways at the end of the day. We may have crossed paths on the same road for a nanosecond, waited on the same stopover for a few minutes. Or might have sat next to each other, shared the same class for a couple of years, otherwise, various life circumstances and randomness of life could have allowed us to cross paths. But there is a beauty in meeting everyone, acquaintances, lovers, seasonal friends and even the ones you don’t wish to cross paths...