Tagged: psychology

Wisdom through the ages : Bridging Ancient Philosophy and Modern Science

Ancient insights to modern wisdom

The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates is renowned for the saying, “All I know is that I know nothing.” His humility in acknowledging his limitations and openness to learning reflects his boundless wisdom. In ancient times, wisdom, or wise men of extraordinary insights were from the domain of philosophical and religious teachings. Their insights have stayed with us through generations. Often, we borrow their age-old insights. Is the pursuit of wisdom an elusive quest for ordinary individuals? Or, as the Chilean author Gabriel Garcia Marquez once said, “Wisdom comes to us when it can no longer do any good.”From such a...

De Bono's strategy for thinking

Wear not one, but six hats. De Bono’s strategy for thinking.

The term thinking cap signifies an imaginary cap to be worn to facilitate the thinking process. According to etymology, the thinking cap is an allusion to the official cap worn by the judges while dispensing the judgments at the court of law.  Edward de Bono, who is famous for parallel thinking, published the Six thinking hats in 1985. The idea behind this is practically scrutinising a problem from all aspects as possible, leaving nothing to chance. Teamwork This method serves as a team-based problem-solving technique. Taking a different perspective or checklist manifesto, benefits to ensure that every problem with the...

Cognitive dissonance in sour grapes

People generally use the saying “Sour grapes “ as a disdain expression to point out disapprovingly of those opportunities that slipped through their fingers or to mention the unfulfilled goals and dreams. While their mind may be reeling under unpleasantness and envy, outwardly people balance their behaviour in a manner that reduces their inner turmoil. A peek into the Aesop’s fable. Not intending to narrate the whole story of Fox and grapes here, but in a nutshell, once the fox realised that the mouth-watering “sweet” grapes were not quite attainable, he gives up his efforts, muttering “sour grapes “ and...