Category: Social Science

Caveat to Conformity and Obedience

Conformity, obedience and relevant studies.

Evolution taught that belonging is the safest way for survival and to fit in any group, conformity and obedience is the best bet instead of being different from the rest. Animal conformity as social learning The roots of conformity and obedience are deep and vast. As evidence suggests, it’s presence is seen in other species of animals and very young humans. The conformity or imitation in nonhuman is studied by various biologists suggesting that imitation is the basis for cultural evolution, cultural transmission of learning and tool formation. Monkey see monkey do A chimp is likely to copy an action...

to procrastinate is human

To Procrastinate is human

A new year without a few resolutions would appear relatively incomplete. We promise ourselves to exercise regularly, watch our diet, spend money more wisely, stay on top of things, meet deadlines and so forth. However, humans are plagued by the tendency to procrastinate and live by the saying (Mark Twain?) Never put off till tomorrow, what you can do the day after tomorrow. New beginnings vouch for new promises A new year with resolutions, students commencing a new academic year with a bang, employees joining a new job with the commitment to save more! These self-declarations need not always coincide...

of parents and kids

Of parents, kids and a borrowed tale

The boundless affection and the intense protectiveness of parents towards their offspring is a distinctly human characteristic. Clearly, varying degrees of this parental instinct is also found in other members of mammalian species as well. The cornerstone Parents, with their absolute love and devotion, act as the bedrock of support for moulding their children into a secure and confident adult. Barring a few unfortunate circumstances where the kids are unloved or abandoned and left to fend for themselves. All that matters There are enough anecdotes from the literature, mythology and real-life accounts, of parents, who were willing to give up...

When the choosing get tough

When the choosing gets tough, flip a coin

The ability to choose well is arguably the most powerful skill one is empowered with. The desire to choose is innate and rooted deep within us. It’s a commonplace knowledge that even if you have the complete liberty to choose from, the process itself can be tricky at times. The power of free will The power of choice entails one with the ability to unearth the best possible option out of all. In an individualistic society, the right to choose or free will is assumed to be one of the basic needs required for human happiness. Therefore they formulate their...

paying attention to inattentional blindness

Pay attention to inattentional blindness

Pay attention is one of the aptly composed phrases, which needs to be earnestly explored, more so than ever in this tech-friendly era, where chances of getting distracted by are enormous. The surge and complexity of modern life are overpowering to render individuals blind and deaf to the things that occur around them. Not wide, but a tunnel vision We hold on to the mistaken belief that we pay enough attention to, and therefore should notice and remember the world around us much more than we do. Looking without seeing Have you ever thought of how we perceive, remember and...

of pencils and boxes

Of Pencils and boxes

If you were to explore your creative skills and offer your ideas and imagination about two themes from our daily life, one a pencil and another a box, I’m convinced that most amongst you can propose exciting and impressive ideas that reveal your unique originality and viewpoints.  Reflection of two great writers Before you discover your ideas, let us read up about the creative intelligence of two celebrated contemporary writers. Paulo Coelho’s short story on the pencil  Nassim Nicholas’s aphorism on boxes. Paulo Coelho The proclaimed author who shot to fame with his bestselling novel , The Alchemist, needs no...

honesty a sinking social trait

Honesty, a sinking social trait

We come across reports of deception and corruption almost every day that it doesn’t affect or surprise us anymore. The news varies from the trivial accounts of towels being stolen from hotel rooms to profound large-scale financial scandals.   How as a society, or as a country, we came to be tainted by this much widespread dishonesty? How we see ourselves  We consider ourselves to be honest, honourable people—rational thinkers with a built-in moral compass and the capacity of understanding of what’s right and wrong. The illusion of one’s morality  Do you think that the dishonesty we witness in our society...

conquering fear

Stress, stress and more stress

Stress that saves, Stress that harms, And the stress that we love. Varied kinds of stresses surround us ! Day to day stresses  When people mention the term stress, they invariably imply chronic stress, the silent killer of modern, fast-paced life that wreaks havoc on your health. In this post, let’s see how stress evolved, and know about a third kind of stress that people seem to enjoy. Dichotomy of stress The acute stress response is an adaptive mechanism designed to tide over any dangerous situations, which is, in fact, beneficial, a real-life saviour. Chronic stress, an outcome of modern,...

for it is in the giving that we receive

Give, and you will receive

 Give, and you will receive, says the golden rule of reciprocity. The most impressive aspect of the Rule of reciprocity is the sense of obligation that goes along with it. Rule of reciprocity  If someone does us a favour, we should do them one in return, and people are aware of the honoured network of obligation since the dawn of humanity, that has served us so well, both individually and societally. Simply put, you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours!, Or as some social scientists suggest, it is akin to Newton’s third law of motion, that is applied to social...

Learning, a journey into the unknown

Acquiring knowledge – a journey into the unknown

Acquiring knowledge is a never-ending mission and a journey into the unknown. Mentioning the word unknown in the recent time brings us to a news briefing that made the known and unknown well-known. A glimpse into Rumsfeld’s news briefing  The world listened with a mixed feeling of wonderment and ridicule to the statement from the then US Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld, at the department news briefing back in 2012. The major appeal of his speech was the tongue-twisting phrases of expressions which later gained popularity as prudent messages. A bit of background The explanation, by the then Secretary of...